Travel Ban and Quarantine lifted for 28 more countries

Travel Ban and Quarantine lifted for 28 more countries

The travel ban to/from 28 additional countries/states and the mandatory quarantine for persons arriving therefrom has been lifted.


Further to the publication on 10 July 2020 of Legal Notice 290, the travel ban to/from the following countries/states will be removed as from 15 July 2020 – United Kingdom, Belgium, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, China, the Vatican City, Rwanda, Uruguay, Slovenia, Japan, Morocco, Thailand, Tunisia, Portugal, Romania, Lebanon, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Jordan and Lichtenstein. This brings the total of ‘safe corridor travel countries’ to 50.

Concurrently, Legal Notice 289 removed the requirement for persons arriving in Malta from the said countries/states to submit themselves to a 14-day quarantine period immediately upon their arrival.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

Travel Ban and Quarantine lifted for 28 more countries

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