Activation of voucher accounts

Activation of voucher accounts

Guidelines have been issued by MIMCOL for businesses to activate their voucher account. Their eligibility can be checked through a VAT checker.


On its website MIMCOL has published guidelines for businesses to activate their voucher account before they start accepting vouchers that will be sent out by Government in the coming days. As announced by Government in its launch of the Economic Recovery Plan, vouchers with a total value of €100, will be sent to Maltese residents aged 16 years and over to be spent locally to the extent of 80% at MTA approved hotels, accommodation outlets, restaurants, bars and diving schools and 20% at retail outlets that were forced to close during the pandemic. 

MIMCOL has also created a VAT checker for businesses to verify if they are eligible to redeem the vouchers.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

Activation of voucher accounts

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