MICE in Gozo Scheme 2020 launched

MICE in Gozo Scheme 2020 launched

A new measure has been launched to assist NGOs and private businesses which restore and upgrade venues with the capacity to host MICE events in Gozo.


On 15 June, a new financial aid measures, the ‘MICE in Gozo Scheme 2020’ has been launched by the Ministry for Gozo. The aim of the measures is to assist the voluntary and private business sectors which undertake projects to restore and upgrade venues with the capacity to host MICE events in Gozo. ‘MICE’ refers to Meetings (Corporate), Incentives, Conventions (Congress, Conference) and Exhibition as defined in the Guidelines to Applicants.

Beneficiaries can benefit from a reimbursement of up to 50% of the works and expenses incurred, capped at €50,000 for year 2020 in case of NGOs and at €25,000 for year 2020 in case of private businesses. Both new projects and projects which are in progress may be eligible. In case of projects that have not yet commenced, part of the aid can be in the form of a pre-finance grant. Completed projects are not eligible. Technological material shall be reimbursed at a rate of 50%, subject to the said maximum thresholds, upon receipt of invoices and written declaration by the owner of the venue that these have been purchased exclusively in relation to the project. 

Projects that are eligible are those which ensure a minimum seating-capacity of the venue of 150 persons. The venue should also ensure that other facilities that complement standard MICE-event hosting are to be included in the layout.

Applications are open and must be submitted by 23 October 2020.

The terms and conditions, including the requirements for application, are set out in the Guidelines to Applicants on the website of the Ministry for Gozo.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to covid@kpmg.com.mt.

MICE in Gozo Scheme 2020 launched

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