Lifting of COVID-19 restrictions – Legal Notices published

Lifting of COVID restrictions - Legal Notices published

Further to this week’s announcement that several COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted, a set of legal notices were enacted on 3 June.


Further to this week’s announcement by Government and Health Authorities relaxing more COVID-19 restrictive measures as from 5 June, a set of legal notices (LNs) were published on 3 June to enact such measures.

Legal Notice 228

The order that suspended the organisation of events for the past months has been limited to the organisation of contact sports. The ban on all other organised events previously suspended including cultural, recreational, entertainment, sporting and religious events, outdoor sport training in groups of not more than 6 people and exhibitions in public or private places has been lifted with effect from 5 June.

Legal Notice 229

The definition of ‘schools’ in the Closure of Schools Order has been amended, thereby limiting such order to kindergarten centres, colleges, Sixth Forms/Higher Secondaries, the University of Malta, other tertiary educational institutions and further and higher educational institutions. This means that as from 5 June, all other education / training establishments can resume their activities including child-care centres and English Language Teaching (ELT) schools.

Legal Notice 230

The Closure of the Courts of Justice Order has been repealed with effect from 5 June. The suspension of the time limits as in force prior to the coming into force of this repeal order for the filing of any acts before a court following the conclusion of any proceedings before any court, tribunal, board, commission, committee or other entity shall remain into force (a) for 20 days from 5 June if such body is not operating from a building of the Courts of Justice, and (b) for 7 days from 5 June if such body is operating from the building of the Courts of Justice.

Legal Notices 231 and 233

The order that limited the number of persons in groups in public places to 6 has been amended such that as from 5 June it is the gathering of masses of more than 75 persons in organised mass events that are prohibited. Any act, decision or action taken before 5 June relating to the enforcement of the previous order, as amended from time to time in the past months, shall remain regulated by the previous order. 

Legal Notice 232

This LN repeals the orders listed hereunder, thereby allowing all places open to the public, non-essential retail outlets and local tribunals to resume their operations and vulnerable persons to go out, as from 5 June. 

The Closure of Places Open to the Public Order

This was the order for the closure of all bars, cinemas, gymnasiums, museums, exhibitions, discotheques, night clubs, indoor swimming pools, massage parlours, gaming premises including controlled gaming premises, bingo halls, casinos and betting shops, other than sports betting through the till. This Order had also ordered restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars and clubs to provide their service outdoors as far as practicable or if indoors, at reduced capacity.

Enforcement of the Order relating to Closure of Places Open to the Public Regulations

This order contained provisions relating to the enforcement of order (a) above.

Closure of Non-Essential Retail Outlets and Outlets Providing Non-essential Services Order

This was the order for the closure of spas and tattooists and for restricting the activity of vaping shops exclusively to sales.

Enforcement of the order relating to Closure of Non-Essential Retail Outlets and Outlets Providing Non-Essential Services Regulations

This order contained provisions relating to the enforcement of order (c) above

Protection of Vulnerable Persons Order

This was the order for those aged sixty-five and over, pregnant women and persons suffering from listed chronic illnesses and/or medical conditions to remain segregated in their residence.

Number of Persons in Public Spaces (Increase in Number of Persons) Order

This was the order that increased the restricted number of persons in groups in public places over the past months.

Closure of the Local Tribunals Order

This was the order that closed local tribunals and their registry. With the repeal, any legal, judicial or administrative time-limit for the filing of any acts before the local tribunals, suspended by the repealed order, remains so suspended for a period of 20 days from 5 June. Any service of summons, suspended by the repealed order, remains so suspended until a period of 10 days from 5 June.

The Ministry for Health has published a set of mandatory conditions issued under the Public Health Act that need to be adhered to by some of the establishments and cultural places that will reopen on 5 June 2020. It has also published/updated guidance on sector-specific workplaces and updated the mitigating measures for other establishments and sports activities.

The full list of measures and guidance can be accessed from the Ministry of Health’s website.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to


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