COVID-19 Social Security Benefits – Applications closed

COVID-19 Social Security Benefits – Applications closed

The applications for the COVID-19 social security benefits are closed.


The Minister for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity has announced that the applications for the following COVID-19 related benefits have closed:

Medical benefit (a grant to vulnerable persons ordered to stay at home who were unable to work from home and were not paid by their employer)

  • Payments will cease on 5 June.

- Parent benefit (a grant to parents who both work in the private sector/single parent families when one of the parents was required to stay at home to take care of school-aged children)

  • Payments will cease on 3 July.

Benefit to persons with disabilities (a grant to persons with disabilities who had to stay at home due to health concerns that may arise as a consequence of COVID-19 and could not telework)

  • Payments will cease on 5 June.

Payments for the additional benefit to workers who lost their job due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will cease on 3 July. However, the regular unemployment benefits will remain for such unemployed persons.

This announcement follows the lifting of a number of COVID-19 restrictive measures as from today, 5 June 2020.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

COVID-19 Social Security Benefits – Applications closed

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