5% VAT on protective face masks and visors

5% VAT on protective face masks and visors

With effect from 4 May 2020, Legal Notice 187 has reduced the VAT rate on protective face masks and visors to 5% from the standard rate of 18%.


Legal Notice 186, published on 8 May 2020, has reduced the VAT rate on protective face masks and visors to 5% from the standard rate of 18%. Such has been made through an addition to the list of ‘Medical Accessories’ in the Eighth Schedule to the Value Added Tax Act that are already subject to the reduced 5% VAT rate. The addition has been made by a description of the items rather than by their CN (Commodity Nomenclature) code and excludes diving equipment. The LN is effective retrospectively from 4 May 2020.

The publication of the LN follows the Price Order published on 4 May setting the maximum retail price of a surgical/medical mask at €0.95 per mask and that of a face shield at €5.00 per face shield.

A ‘COVID-19 Mask Subsidy Scheme’ has also been launched to aid pharmacies in alleviating wholesale cost-induced losses borne by the introduction of the price cap whilst securing the wider public interest. The refund is reflective of the difference between the purchased wholesale price (inclusive of VAT) and the €0.95 capping, not exceeding €0.70 per mask and relates to stocks bought over the period 17 April to 4 May 2020. The scheme is administered by MIMCOL. Eligible parties will need to apply for the refund directly through MIMCOL’s portal. All the relevant guidelines and application form are accessible.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to covid@kpmg.com.mt.

5% VAT on protective face masks and visors

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