Re-opening of establishments and lifting of restrictive measures
Re-opening of certain establishments
As from 22 May, certain establishments will be allowed to resume business, subject to sector-specific health risks mitigation measures.
During a press conference held on 18 May, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Minister and Minister for Health and the Superintendent of Public Health announced the removal of a number of restrictive measures including measures affecting businesses. Following the partial revocation of the initial order of the Superintendent of Public Health to close non-essential retail outlets and outlets providing non-essential services, as from 22 May 2020, more establishments will be allowed to open, subject to the implementation of establishment / sector-specific health risks mitigation measures, mainly related to hygiene and physical distance practices. The businesses that can reopen are:
- Hairdressers and barbers subject to the conditions established in these guidelines;
- Beauticians subject to the conditions established in these guidelines;
- Nail technicians and nail artists subject to the conditions established in these guidelines;
- Drive-in cinemas, outdoor cinemas and outdoor theatres subject to the conditions established in these guidelines;
- Tourism-related establishments i.e. catering establishments (including cafeterias and snack bars), accommodation establishments, outdoor establishments including lidos, swimming pools and outside entertainment, beach establishments and beach concessions, subject to the conditions established in these guidelines; and
- Open-air markets subject to standard health recommendations.
In the sports sector, individual non-contact sports and outdoor training for other sports will be permitted provided that the group of persons is restricted to a maximum of six.
It is understood that gyms, spas, indoor pools, vaping shops, tattooists, bars (which do not qualify as catering establishments), museums, clubs, discotheques, night clubs, massage parlours, gaming premises including controlled gaming premises, bingo halls, casinos, gaming parlours and betting shops will remain closed.
Schools, childcare centres, the airport and ports remain shut (other than for cargo transport).
We expect legal notices to be published this week, enacting the above.
Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to
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