EU Commission’s call for EU-funded research into COVID-19
Commission’s call for EU-funded research into COVID-19
A new call for expressions of interest for EU-funded COVID-related research projects, under Horizon 2020, has been launched by the EU Commission.
A new call for expressions of interest for EU-funded COVID-related research projects, under Horizon 2020, has been launched by the EU Commission. The allocated budget is of €122 million. The projects funded under this call cover five areas; (1) repurposing of manufacturing for vital medical supplies and equipment, (2) medical technologies, digital tools and artificial intelligence analytics to improve surveillance and care at high technology readiness levels, (3) behavioural, social and economic impacts of the outbreak responses, (4) pan-European COVID-19 cohorts, and (5) collaboration of existing EU and international cohorts of relevance to COVID-19. The new solutions need to be available and affordable for all, in line with the principles of the Coronavirus Global Response. For this purpose, the Commission will include rapid data-sharing clauses in grant agreements, resulting from this new call, to ensure that findings and outcomes can be put to use immediately. Delivering results quickly is a key focus of the call.
The deadline for submission is 11 June 2020.
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