Appointment of Special Controllers

Appointment of Special Controllers

The applications for the appointment of Special Controllers in terms of Article 329A of the Companies Act are open.


Further to the publication of the Company Reconstructions Fund Regulations, the Malta Business Registry has notified that the Official Receiver is receiving applications from individuals interested in being appointed as Special Controllers in terms of Article 329B of the Companies Act to assist companies facing financial difficulties. The requisites for the post are 5 years’ proven experience in the administration of companies, or 2 years’ experience if they hold a bachelor's degree from a recognised university. Applications are to be sent by email, sending a CV to Qualifying individuals will form part of a list, and appointment as a Special Controller would be made by the Court on a case by case basis, in terms of Article 329B of the Companies Act. No prior experience as a Special Controller is necessary, and new applicants will be guided on the relevant procedures.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

Appointment of Special Controllers

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