Merchant Shipping Notice 158
Merchant Shipping Notice 158
Extraordinary Measures Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Extension of Sea Service Beyond the Seafarer Employment Agreement Period
Shipowners, Managers and Operators encountering difficulties in repatriating seafarers following the expiration of the term established in the Seafarer’s Employment Agreement in terms of the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) Rules, may, on a case-by-case basis request to extend the validity of the Agreement for a maximum period of three months, which period may be extended for further periods upon application, should the situation remain the same. Arrangements for repatriation should be made at the earliest opportunity.
Shipowners, Managers and Operators who require such an extension may contact any KPMG Malta team member.
Any extended period would require an addendum to the Seafarer Employment Agreement under the same terms and conditions as the underlying agreement.
Extension of the Validity of Seafarer Certificates Beyond their Expiry Date
Seafarers, in possession of a Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by an Administration other than Malta and who are in possession of a Flag State Endorsement issued under the Merchant Shipping Act and in terms of the STCW Convention, which may expire during an extended period on board, may extend the validity of their Flag State Endorsement.
The request is to include the details of the seafarer, the endorsement number and a copy of a valid (or extension of validity) Certificate of Competency by the issuing Administration of the CoC. The Flag State Endorsement may only be extended up to the date of the extended validity of the CoC.
Holders of Maltese CoCs who have certificates that will expire during an extended period on board or encounter any difficulties in refreshing their underlying certificates may contact any KPMG Malta team member for assistance.
For more information on please contact us.
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