Benefit to Vulnerable Persons ordered to stay at home

Benefit to Vulnerable Persons ordered to stay at home

Applications are open for a grant to vulnerable persons ordered to stay at home who are unable to work from home and are not paid by their employer.


Following the order issued last week by the Superintendent of Public Health to vulnerable persons to remain at home, the Social Security Department has issued applications for a specific benefit to those persons employed in the private sector who, after 27 March 2020, are ordered not to leave their home, are not able to work from home and are not being paid by their employer during their absence from work. The benefit does not apply to those who reached retirement age.

The benefit is a direct payment of €166.15 per week for full-time employees and €103.85 per week for part-time employees.  

Malta Enterprise has clarified that the Quarantine Leave Benefit does not apply to the above mentioned categories of vulnerable persons.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

Benefit to Vulnerable Persons ordered to stay at home

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