Wage Supplement - Updated categories of businesses

Wage Supplement - Updated categories of businesses

Malta Enterprise has updated the list of business categories entitled to the COVID-19 wage supplement.


On Sunday, 29th March, Malta Enterprise published an updated list of self-employed and business categories that will be entitled to the wage supplement that had been announced earlier last week:

The application for the COVID Wage Supplement can be accessed through the Malta Enterprise website. 

It has been reminded / clarified by Malta Enterprise that:

  • Funds will be forwarded to employers who will be obliged to guarantee that the wage supplement is forwarded to the employee.
  • Employees supported through the wage supplement shall not be considered to be on leave even if they are not attending to their works due to the restriction in operations as required by the health authorities or due to economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In certain instances, if there is agreement with the Department of Industrial And Employment Relations, employees may be required to work a four or three day week.  In these instance the wage supplement would still be allocated in accordance to the parameters established above.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to covid@kpmg.com.mt.

Wage Supplement - Updated categories of businesses

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