Protection of Vulnerable Persons Order
Protection of Vulnerable Persons Order
Vulnerable persons are ordered to remain segregated in their residence other than for medical, food or essential personal errands.
Through Legal Notice 111, vulnerable persons are ordered to remain segregated in their residence other than for medical, food or essential personal errands. Vulnerable persons include those aged sixty-five or over, pregnant women and persons suffering from listed chronic illnesses and, or medical conditions. An exception was made for those occupying a public office or essential headship positions, Members of Parliament and health sector employees/professionals.
In case of vulnerable persons in employment, unless they qualify for one of the financial measures announced last week particularly the wage supplement and the social measures, it is not yet clear whether they / their employers will be entitled to any form of aid for their inability to attend to their work duties.
Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to
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