Achieving Unparalleled Growth

Achieving Unparalleled Growth

In today’s environment, organisations must rethink and reshape their strategic ambitions by deploying strategy certified components which act as the underlying market differentiators and underscore true sustainable impact for the business.


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Top strategy differentiators, include:

  1. Being critical. Charting the course of achieving the organisation’s strategic plan and crafting truly innovative swift responses to disruption, allows organisations to crack the code of change incubation. Notably, 29% of organisations react so slowly that they can’t seize fleeting opportunities or mitigate emerging threats.
  2. Being knowledgeable. Extrapolating the right information from sound data and analytics platforms, is crucial. The ‘need for speed’ can short-change the depth of analytical rigor that typically precedes major strategic decisions. 85% of CEOs said the organisation’s ability to gather and analyse data is the surest road to profitable growth.
  3. Being ambitious and results oriented. Organisations cannot afford to make ‘safe bets’ as these will likely leave opportunities and value on the table. Close monitoring and calibration of targets helps improve execution effectiveness. Only 10% of organisations achieve at least two-thirds of their strategy objectives, with 36% achieving between 50%-67% and 54% achieving less than 50%.
  4. Being emerging technology savvy. The increasing pace of technological change is often regarded as the most enabling yet most disruptive driver. Acting hastily to technological advances may be just as risky as doing nothing, but choosing smartly will significantly support growth initiatives in motion. Research confirms the important role of technology in delivering a powerful impact, with some executives estimating a higher impact from improved technology than the impact of other levers, such as outsourcing, shared services, and business process reengineering.
  5. Being talent proof. Companies cannot afford to play at the edge of change, but must fully equip themselves with the capabilities to execute current and future growth ambitions. A startling 71% said their leaders are not ready to lead their organisations into the future. Only 25% of organisations said they had a ready and willing successor identified for one out of ten critical leader positions.
  6. Be communicative. Future value comes from owning the internal and external customer interface. Organisations should assess their roles in the value chain of the customers’ and employees’ lives and keep the communication flow active and relevant. 75% of successful companies have a formal and preestablished system to inform on and manage their strategy.

Companies measuring strategy metrics linked to these differentiators, respond in a measured manner to disruptors and swiftly realign with the trajectory requirements of new growth platforms.

Achieving Unparalleled Growth

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