Technical Notice BMW.2
Technical Notice BMW.2
Ballast Water Management Plan Contingency Measures
IMO’s MEPC 73 session adopted Resolution MEPC.306 (73), which contains amendments to the Guidelines for the development of Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP) (G4).
The Guidelines provide for the inclusion of contingency measures into ships' BWMP as non-mandatory information.
Furthermore, Regulation B-1.2 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments states that the BWMP shall at a minimum “provide a detailed description of the actions to be taken to implement the BWM requirements and supplemental BWM practices as set forth in this Convention”.
The Merchant Shipping Directorate recommends that the BWMP includes a new section for contingency measures (such as ballast water exchange for vessels already equipped with a D2 compliant ballast water management system (BWMS)), either as an Annex to the existing approved Plan or by inserting a new section within the existing re-approved Plan indicating the date of the revision.
In the case of vessels which are not yet equipped with a Type Approved BWMS, the directorate recommends that the new section for contingency measures is included by the vessel’s BWMS installation date, as per the revised B3 Regulation of the Convention.
If ballast water exchange is not possible in line with the requirements of the Convention, reference is to be made to IMO Circular BWM.2/Circ.63.
Read the complete Technical Notice BWM.2.
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