Air Services Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Malta and Brazilian Authorities

MoU between Transport Malta and Brazilian Authorities

Air Services Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Malta and Brazilian Authorities.


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On 25 June 2019 representatives from the Civil Aviation Directorate within Transport Malta (CAD) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and an Air Service Agreement with their Brazilian counterparts which dealt with air services and cooperation between the aeronautical authorities. The Memorandum of Understanding signed between both parties is set to bring new prospects to the respective airlines and investors of both countries, enabling them to cooperate and create, routes which connect Malta and Brazil.

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, Ian Borg, welcomed this Memorandum of Understanding and said that this is positive news for the aviation industry which is a priority within the Maltese economy. The entering into of these agreements assists the Government’s aim in offering as many connections from Malta to the rest of the world.

Civil Aviation Directorate Director General, Captain Charles Pace noted that this is only one of many similar initiatives which will create stronger links between Malta and other South American countries which include Colombia, Chile and Argentina.

Air Services Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Malta and Brazilian Authorities

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