Ryanair’s subsidiary Malta Air, certified as Air Operator in Malta

Malta Air, certified as Air Operator in Malta

Ryanair sets up a new airline in Malta


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A new airline, Malta Air has been granted an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and Air Operator License (AOL), making it the 37th airline operator registered in Malta. Malta Air forms part of the Ryanair group and will be based in Malta and other countries within the European Union.

The Maltese Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD) has licensed Malta Air to operate Boeing 737 aircraft, with the new airline flying to over 60 destinations in 21 countries across Europe and North Africa. The airline announced it will register a total of 50 aircraft bearing the 9H registration code.

KPMG Malta welcomes the licensing of the new airline Malta Air and the positive news about the expansion of the Malta aircraft register.

For any further information kindly contact us.

Ryanair’s subsidiary Malta Air, certified as Air Operator in Malta

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