Merchant Shipping Notice 153

Merchant Shipping Notice 153

Marine Equipment Directive - EU Declarations of Conformity


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The Merchant Shipping Directorate has issued a reminder on  the implementation of Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment (the “MED”) and to Merchant Shipping Notice 145 which statesthat “Recognised Organisations shall inform this Directorate in cases where it has been proven or suspected that MED equipment placed on board a Maltese ship is not compliant with the applicable EU and international legislation”. 

The Directive requires that when MED equipment is placed on board a Maltese ship, a copy of the EU declaration of conformity covering the equipment concerned shall be kept on board until the said equipment is removed from the ship. The EU declaration of conformity should be in the English language and may be in electronic format.

Flag State inspectors shall be carrying out checks of MED equipment and may request EU declarations of conformity for specific pieces of marine equipment during flag State inspections. The Directorate advises all those concerned to ensure that EU declarations of conformity for all MED equipment are available for inspection on board. In cases where EU Declarations of Conformity are not available on board, the Directorate shall be informed.

Read the complete Merchant Shipping Notice 153.

Merchant Shipping Notice 153

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