A Healthy Growing Malta Aviation Register

A Healthy Growing Malta Aviation Register

Malta Aircraft Register estimated to reach 400 registered aircraft by the end of 2019


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Transport Minister Ian Borg confirmed Malta’s commitment to increase the number of aircraft registered in Malta’s aviation registry to 400 by the end of the year. Currently, there are 315 aircraft that are so registered; a figure that has been rising throughout the years.

This target was announced during the Minister’s speech at a press conference. The Minister went on to say that just as Malta managed to become very successful in the maritime industry, it can achieve the same in the aviation industry; an industry that is equally important for the country’s economy. In fact, the local civil aviation sector contributes to 2.5% of the country's GDP and employs over 3,000 people.

All of this makes it clear that this year’s goal is indeed ambitious, but attainable. The Civil Aviation Directorate within Transport Malta is the entity responsible for ensuring that the Maltese air transport industry continues to be developed in a safe and efficient manner so as to serve the island’s needs.

KPMG Malta welcomes this news, its Aviation team, which assists Malta based aircraft operators will be following the developments over the coming months.

A Healthy Growing Malta Aviation Register

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