Merchant Shipping Notice 149

Merchant Shipping Notice 149

Non-Convention Vessel (NCV) Code


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The Merchant Shipping Directorate reminds all concerned that following consultation with all stakeholders and interested parties involved, it has issued the Non-Convention Vessel (NCV) Code.

The NCV Code brings together the requirements that were previously set by the CVC Code (Code of Practice for the Safety of Commercial Vessels) together with the requirements for Non-Convention Vessels, namely the IACS Recommendation No.99.

The NCV Code is applicable to all Non-Convention Vessels ≥ 15m LoA, including commercial vessels ≥ 15m LoA which are certified and operating on domestic navigation including those vessels operating exclusively within Maltese waters and which are engaged in or intended for use in any trade, business or calling or operating for hire or reward, in the carriage of cargo/supplies/passengers or providing port services or services to other vessels.

The NCV Code has come into force as from the 1st January 2019.

Existing vessels, already certified under the CVC and/or IACS99 Certification Schemes, shall comply with the Code by not later than the first periodical survey that is carried out on or after the 1st June 2019.

To read the complete Merchant Shipping Notice 149, click here.

Merchant Shipping Notice 149

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