Under the Microscope 2018

Under the Microscope 2018

“Under the Microscope” provides an insightful analysis of the performance of Maltese licensed banks, over 2017/2018, and includes financial assessments and insights directly from our leading local experts.

Alex Azzopardi

Partner, Risk Consulting Advisory Services

KPMG in Malta


We are pleased to welcome you to the fourth edition of Under the Microscope.

Under the Microscope remains a one of a kind publication, dedicated towards providing an analysis of the performance of local banks over the last financial period together with a range of insightful articles developed in-house by local KPMG thought leaders.

In this year’s publication one will find an array of thought leadership pieces, aimed at stimulating one’s mind with a view to generating an element of thought and consideration to an ever evolving financial services industry which is now, more than ever, driven by regulatory and technological innovation.

FinTech and Regtech today are still in their infancy, despite these buzzwords thrown left, right and centre. In this publication we really seek to explore how the financial services industry has shifted, and how we can expect to be able to change in line with the new landscape we are all currently living.

Across the publication, readers will also find a number of QR codes which will provide the user with a visual explanation and representation of the content of the respective article, provided directly by the thought leaders themselves.

The videos will be released in a staggered manner over a campaign spanning the first weeks of 2019.

We trust you find this edition as interesting and of value to read as it was for us to prepare.

Under the Microscope 2018

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