ACCA Support through Expert UK Trainers
ACCA Support through Expert UK Trainers
KPMG through its new venture KPMG Learning Academy is providing ACCA courses through Kaplan’s UK expert tutors. With the ever growing need for Accountants and Auditors, KPMG through its new educational venture has launched KPMG Learning Academy which combines an extensive amount of subject matter expertise with a number of tried and tested training programmes including the world-renowned ACCA Course.
KPMG Learning Academy has partnered with Kaplan which continues to be the world’s largest diversified training company serving 1,000,000 students each year. Amongst other service offerings, Kaplan combines 70 years of educational and learning excellence with leading online learning technologies, award winning study materials and support from the industry’s most experienced tutors and assessors who are dedicated to ensuring educational success.
Kaplan’s tutors are subject specialists and are all qualified accountants with experience in practice on industry with an average length of service of 9 years. Kaplan’s study resources are award winning materials and are the only tuition provider with official publisher status for ACCA. A £3 million investment launched in January 2017 yielded the MyKaplan platform which is accessible on the move via smart phone and tablet having all course materials available online, online course calendar with reminders, ACCA practice and mock exams as well as expert tutor help available via live chat, email or phone.
Through Kaplan, KPMG Learning Academy is providing Virtual Live Online ACCA lectures which are structured the same as classroom lectures, but live interactive classes on set dates and at a set time with the possibility of re-viewing lectures at a later stage for revision purposes. Live online lectures are fully interactive virtual classrooms with a live video link of the tutor and a virtual whiteboard where course material and the tutor’s own notes and examples will appear. Students can post questions to the tutor via the chat panel and they will be answered as the lecture progresses.
In conclusion, KPMG Learning Academy, through its collaboration with Kaplan, offers the best range of study options to suit both students’ and business’ needs. With Kaplan’s top tutors, materials, learning management system, student support and digital content, students are achieving outstanding pass rates worldwide which in turn transforms ACCA students into skilled, proficient and fully qualified Accountants and Auditors.
For further information regarding ACCA courses, please contact Sarah Galea on
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