The Swedish Gambling Market Reform

Reformation of the Swedish gambling market

A summary and initial observations of Sweden's new proposed draft legislation.

Russell Mifsud

Director, Head of Gaming Europe

KPMG in Malta


In this new report we have summarized the proposal and provided our initial comments on some possible consequences.

The purpose of the proposed legislation is to regulate the gambling market and strengthen the protection of the players. The national gambling monopoly will cease, and instead the monopoly will be divided into three sectors; a competitive sector mainly including online gaming and betting, a sector reserved for public purposes and a sector reserved for the Swedish State. The proposed gambling act will bring a variety of consequences for those who operate on the Swedish gambling market, or are interested in doing so. Read more about the proposed new regulations in our report A re-regulated gambling market.


KPMG Sweden Gaming group

KPMG Sweden's Gaming Group is comprised of experienced advisers with special insights and knowledge of the gaming business, and is part of KPMG’s wider Global Gaming Group alongside Malta. With joint expertise in corporate income tax, transfer pricing, VAT, tax transparency, and the new proposed Swedish gambling legislation, the Gaming Group helps to ensure compliance with increasing regulatory and tax issues. Furthermore, the group helps with strategic decisions and advice on how to manage upcoming legislative changes, and key issues such as the management of tax and reputational risks, which is increasingly important in a world where investors, media, governments, and the general public have higher demands for transparency. The people in this group are passionate about the gaming business and have an understanding for the unique challenges and possibilities the gaming industry faces.

Reformation of the Swedish gambling market

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