The KPMG Employee Engagement Plus Index

The KPMG Employee Engagement Plus Index

An online diagnostic tool that will assist you in measuring your organisations’ employee engagement level.

Claudine Borg Azzopardi

Partner, People and Change Advisory Services

KPMG in Malta


The KPMG Employee Engagement Plus Index is an online diagnostic tool aimed at assisting organisations in measuring their employee engagement levels.

This employee engagement survey may be adapted to suit the needs of organisations of any size and in any industry. It is based on the understanding that people are an organisation’s greatest asset, thus making employees’ central to an organisation’s performance. For this reason, it is essential that employees function at their full potential. Engagement is what unlocks this potential and moves organisations closer towards reaching their business objectives.

The unique edge of this tool is that engagement levels are not measured as a standalone construct, but holistically also incorporating scientifically proven drivers of engagement, such as leadership, communication and work commitment. Furthermore, the tool also allows for the evaluation of an organisation’s HR management practices that act as a vehicle to attain employee engagement. Together, all of this uniquely derived data will provide business leaders and decision makers with invaluable information related to their organisation’s strengths, areas for improvement, areas of critical concern, and therefore, ultimately, support the organisation in reaching its final destination of a highly engaged workforce. 

The KPMG Employee Engagement Plus Index provides for the ideal foundations upon which to build and implement specific and targeted actions that truly work towards increasing employee engagement in organisations. By understanding what is driving or inhibiting engagement, an organisation will be able to treat the root cause of any employee engagement issues, thus achieving positive and long term benefits, such as: increased human capital, a positive work environment, employee activation, increased innovation, and finally improved bottom-line results.

Engaged employees are more committed to their organisation, exhibit higher levels of performance, and are more likely to go the extra mile at work.

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Read more about the Employee Engagement: the Key to Organisational Success here.

KPMG Employee Engagement Plus Index

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