KPMG in Malta Gaming eSummit Report 2016
KPMG in Malta Gaming eSummit Report 2016
We are delighted to present this report for our inaugural Malta eSummit held in November 2016 during SiGMA.
KPMG in Malta, held its 14th eSummit on 18th November 2016, targeted to operators, service providers, regulators and advisers. Since its inauguration, the KPMG eSummit has gone from strength to strength and has progressively evolved into one of the most reputable and sought after events in the global eGaming calendar.Throughout the years, the eSummit has attracted high calibre speakers and panellists, from across the globe. These speakers include C-Level Executives, industry influencers, Government decision-makers, leading legal advisors and specialists from the KPMG network.
The advent of fast-paced and ever-changing revolutionary technological advancements have led to the inevitable inclusion of other themes of major interest to cover innovative feats and their impact on the iGaming industry. Malta is uniquely placed at the heart of world eCommerce and features a stable political environment, attractive taxation, a compact business community, global transport links and a strong public/private sector bond. A continually improving infrastructure and solid telecommunication network make Malta the natural choice for iGaming start-up businesses; indeed over 8,000 people now work in the sector.
SiGMA has evolved to become a key date in the global iGaming calendar, and last year the event included a one-day eSummit hosted by KPMG. Industry stakeholders came together with expert speakers to discuss and explore the key issues affecting iGaming in Malta today. Many vital topics emerged, including: the complexities of compliance, the rigorous regulation, Brexit fallout, updates on M&A Activity, the future of Malta, cyber-risk, the power of data, and the rise of Bitcoin. It is clear that the industry works best when it works together. Whether you are a small operator, experiencing challenges at the bank, or an industry giant facing a hit by incoming regulatory change, if we unite to embrace these realities, we’ll achieve more as one cohesive sector.
This report seeks to compound those themes and provide an accurate snapshot of the current iGaming sector in Malta. We hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to seeing you all at the next KPMG eSummit in Malta in November 2017.
- Catapulting Malta into the future
- Brexit through the looking glass
- Entering a regulated market versus staying in the comfortable grey zone
- The Complexities of Compliance
- Effort and Ingenuity – The Road to Consolidation
- M&A and Capital market activity from an operator’s perspective
- Responsible Gaming Presentation
- The transition of Online Gaming
- Virtual Reality: A Game Changer for eGamers
- Bridging the Gaming industries for millenials
- The Power of Data
- Data & Analytics: Using algorithms and predictive analytics to spot fraud, enhance retention and build a competitive advantage
- Cyber Risk - What is it?
- What’s the risk to us?
- Opportunities arising under PSD2 and open banking standards
- The disruptive potential of Bitcoin and Blockchain
To read the report, please click on the 'Download PDF' link found at the top right section. Alternatively, you may read it on
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