KPMG eSummit

18 November 2016, 9:00AM - 6:00PM, CET

KPMG in Malta, is proud to announce the 14th eSummit targeted to operators, service providers, regulators and advisers. Since its inauguration, the KPMG eSummit has gone from strength to strength and has progressively evolved into one of the most reputable and sought after events in the global eGaming calendar.

Throughout the years, the eSummit has attracted high calibre speakers and panellists, from across the globe. These speakers include C-Level Executives, industry influencers, Government decision-makers, leading legal advisors and specialists from the KPMG network.

The advent of fast-paced and ever-changing revolutionary technological advancements have led to the inevitable inclusion of other themes of major interest to cover innovative feats and their impact on the iGaming industry.

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08:45 Coffee

Welcome Address and Opening Remarks 

A series of short presentations by major stakeholders in the industry.

Hon. Christian Cardona (Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business), Joe Cuschieri (Chairman, Malta Gaming Authority), Ivan Filletti (Head of Operations & Business Development, Gaming Malta)



Catapulting Malta into the future

- This discussion shall be led by a handful of Malta's leading industry stakeholders. The session is envisaged to address various topics, inter alia, the new MGA licensing legislation, industry maturity, job supply and demand, creativity & technology, banks, tax, work visas and externalities. We shall delve into Malta’s role as a robust gaming hub, the effect on existing locally based operators and what seeds should be sown in order to maintain our attractiveness for the future of the industry.

Panel: Hon. Evarist Bartolo (Minister for Education and Employment), Joe Cuschieri (Chairman, Malta Gaming Authority), Ulrik Bengtsson (CEO, Betsson), Anton Cristina (CEO, CSL), Olga Finkel (Senior Partner, WH Partners), Kenneth Farrugia (Chief Officer Business Development, Bank of Valletta)



Brexit through the looking glass

- This panel shall delve into the impact of Brexit from different angles. We shall explore the potential long-term impact, alongside the ever-present uncertainty about Brexit in the shorter-term. We shall address questions such as: what will the likely pressures on UK-based operators be and what changes can we expect to see in an EU which is more Franco-German-centric? Will the withdrawal of the UK change European thinking about this industry, and its regulation? What about the British customer? Will Brexit have any influence to change the behaviours of UK-residents? Should Brexit have any such influence, or will it really just be business as usual? What should Malta be thinking about and how should it be reacting in the current circumstances? What are the positive factors that Malta can exploit and what are the negatives that Malta must address, to convert Brexit into an opportunity for growth? 

Panel: Russell Kelly (Director - Audit & Advisory, KPMG Isle of Man), Steve Donoghue (Gambling consultant), Robin Le Provost (Director, of Business Development, Le Prevost Consultancy), Edwina Licari (Chief Officer - Legal & EU/International Affairs, Malta Gaming Authority)



Entering a regulated market versus staying in the comfortable grey zone

- What is the most commercially sensible strategy for an international gaming operator nowadays?

Presented by: Quirino Mancini (Partner, Tonucci & Partners)



The Complexities of Compliance

- The discussion will focus on industry concerns, outlining the European legal viewpoint of ongoing compliance and the implications for Gaming operators. This discussion will touch upon key industry concerns: 4th AML, BEPS, VAT, Data privacy, Gaming duty, social responsibility & emerging markets.

Panel: Michaela Meilinger (Tax Associate, KPMG Austria), Susan Breen (Partner, Mishcon de Reya LLP), Laurence Hanlin (Regulatory Consultant, KPMG Isle of Man), Trevor De Giorgio (Managing Director, Greentube Malta), Simon Planzer (Partner, Planzer Law), Michael Ellen (Partner, Regulus Partners) 



Effort and Ingenuity – The Road to Consolidation

- Since 2014, the Online gambling industry has seen a significant number of M&A transactions. However, the pace of consolidation is not set to slow down. The consolidation trends are led by the need to increase the scale to fund rising costs arising from tax changes and compliance costs, access to technology and mobile penetration as well as competitive pressures and the drive for market share.Territorial expansion is also a factor. European markets are growing at a slower rate but the North American market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 21% between 2015 and 2018. Whilst the increasingly legalised nature of the online gambling sector is attracting Private Equity funds with business models built around consolidation.

Presented by: Tim Stocks (Managing Director, James Stocks & Co.)



M&A and Capital market activity from an operator's perspective 

Panel: David Pace (Partner, KPMG Malta), Tim Stocks (Managing Director, James Stocks & Co.), Donal Barron (Commercial Manager, Paddypower Betfair), Justin Psaila (CFO, Gaming Innovation Group), Ory Weihs (Founder, XLMedia)



Responsible Gaming Presentation

- How can responsible gaming change the outside in perspective of gambling?

Presented by: Maarten Haijer (Secretary General, European Gaming & Betting Association)


12:45 Lunch

The transition of online gaming

– Here we explore the practical issues around what factors determine a trend or nice idea from a true innovation that substantially influences and/or disrupts the market. This discussion will incorporate the inherent tension between the established operators and the start ups. We shall also delve into the emerging trends/products/innovations and why they may prove to significantly shape the future of the industry. The aim of this session is to provide the audience with an interesting perspective on what it takes for an innovation to reach the tipping point, beyond which it becomes a commercially successful ‘must have’ offer.

Panel: Alexandre Tomic (Co-founder, Alea Gaming), David Sargeant (Innovation Consultant & Startup Incubation, iGaming Ideas), Carla Maree Vella (CEO, Optimizer Invest), Anton Kaszubowski (Director, Greenlaw Limited)



Virtual Reality: A Game Changer for eGamers

- Whichever way you look at it, VR defies normal business metrics and for very good reason – VR is unlike any medium consumers have experienced to date. Brand and business owners say we want to be involved but  how do we connect Virtual Reality to a business model that works for us?

Presented by: Martin Mc Donald (CEO, Parallel66)



Bridging the Gaming industries for millenials

- This session will look into the power of game mechanics and how to engage the masses for small sums, with high volumes. It will showcase how and why game mechanics are important features to include in an offering to millenials (which will also inevitably be the new profile of gamblers). If you were to take a random sample of millenials from a city, the majority of them would have never gambled. If you were to ask that same sample whether they have ever played a game, then they would make up the vast majority. The standard gambler profile is not going anywhere, although they are in the minority and are hard coded to believe that they can beat games like Blackjack and Slots. The thrill is undeniable, but the ability to engage a non-gambler through that same offering is difficult. Through the use of game mechanics, gamified strategies and immersive gameplay, are there ways to engage the masses to play games for small sums, but in high volumes? Could DFS and eSports be scratching the surface of something far deeper?

Panel: Jim Brown (Managing Director, Jim Brown Consulting), Valery Bollier (CEO & Co Founder, Oulala), Georg Westin (Founder & CEO, Hero Gaming Sweden), Nikolai Livori (Managing Director/CEO,, Russell Mifsud (Senior Manager, KPMG Malta)



The Power of Data 

Presentation: Tangible example of how Data insights can help improve your efficiency + future

Presented by: Abdalla Kablan (Founder & CEO, Scheduit)




D&A : Using algorithms and predictive analytics to spot fraud, enhance retention and build a competitive advantage

Panel: Eric Muscat (Partner, KPMG Malta), Adrian Mizzi (Associate Director, KPMG Malta), Angelo Dalli (CEO, Bit8), Abdalla Kablan (Founder & CEO, Scheduit), Benjamin Carlotti (Managing Director, Oulala)



Cyber Risk - What is it? 

- How effective are my security controls?What risks am I running? Do other parts of the business understand their incident response role? Have I got the right balance of controls?

Presented by: Patrick Nuttall (Executive Advisor - Cyber Security, KPMG UK)  



What's the risk to us?

- A risk assessment methodology for financial & other service providers to the gambling industry.

Presented by: Jason Chess (Partner, Wiggin)



Opportunities arising under PSD2 and open banking standards 

Panel: Peter Howitt (Founder, Ramparts), Andrew Zammit (Managing Partner, GVZH Advocates), Jason Chess (Partner & Co-head, Betting and Gaming Group), Mark Curmi (Associate Director, KPMG in Malta)



The disruptive potential of Bitcoin and Blockchain

Presented by: Adrian Mizzi (Associate Director, KPMG Malta)


18:00 Close