Lisa Zarb Mizzi

Partner, Tax Services

KPMG in Malta

Lisa is a lawyer by profession and a Partner in the tax function at KPMG in Malta, having joined in 2006 after concluding her Masters Degree in international tax at King’s College in London. Lisa advises a variety of multinationals and high net worth individuals with a presence or seeking to structure a presence in Malta, on tax matters and related planning. Her work extends to advising corporates within the financial services industry, including banks, financial institutions, funds and insurance companies, on their operations in Malta and she is also regularly involved in advising clients on corporate restructurings from a tax perspective. Since 2011, Lisa has been actively involved in developing the FATCA / CRS service offering of the firm, which she now leads. For a number of years, Lisa lectured for the Advanced Diploma in International Tax and she regularly delivers tax presentations and training both internally and externally.

  • Banking
  • Corporate Tax
  • Financial Services
  • High Growth Markets
  • Insurance
  • International Markets
  • Investment Management
  • Middle Market
  • Tax
  • Wealth Asset Management
  • Master of Laws in International Tax Law, University of London, King's College

  • Doctor of Laws, University of Malta

  • Member of the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners
