KPMG in Asia Pacific announces new Head of Insurance

KPMG in Asia Pacific announces new Head of Insurance

Change in leadership comes as industry experiences massive disruption


13 January 2020: 30-year veteran Erik Bleekrode has been tapped to be KPMG’s new Head of Insurance in the Asia Pacific region. The handover in leadership comes as insurers see massive disruption and face a wide range of complex challenges, from navigating financial market uncertainty and evolving consumer demands, to outpacing digitally savvy new competitors. 

Erik Bleekrode

Erik’s new role will be focused on continuing to create value for insurance sector clients in new and different ways as they transition through the inevitable changes taking place in the industry.

Erik steps into the role previously led by Simon Donowho who, with his extensive regional experience, will now spend more time advising his insurance clients.

Laura Hay, Global Head of Insurance at KPMG said: “Simon has done a fantastic job over almost a decade to bring our Asia Pacific insurance practice to where it is today. With all the innovation and growth that we are seeing in insurance across the region, I see in Erik a great successor who brings international experience and fresh energy, helping our clients, our people and our practice across the region become better versions of themselves.”

Based in Hong Kong, Erik is also Head of Insurance for KPMG in China and leads KPMG China’s Insurance Accounting Change practice. His previous experience in the Financial Services industry in the Netherlands, Brazil and Hong Kong provides him with unique insights.

In addition to Ms Hay, Erik will also report to Simon Gleave, KPMG’s Head of Financial Services in Asia Pacific.

Said Mr Gleave: “Simon Donowho has brought many years of excellent leadership in this role, creating a strong foundation for Erik to build on. Erik’s leadership will be valued beyond KPMG’s insurance community. He is well respected amongst our clients and staff not only for his technical excellence, but also for the curiosity, fun and passion he injects into the workplace. I’ve no doubt he will be a role model to many.”

“This is a fantastic time to be taking over as head of this team,” commented Mr Bleekrode.

“Insurance in Asia Pacific has never been more exciting. It has been an engine for growth and for social development, customers and regulators are increasingly demanding and technology is providing opportunities we have never seen before. All this needs to be managed within the great diversity that this region has and in a political and economic environment that is increasingly challenging.

“KPMG in Asia Pacific has an excellent team of technical specialists and visionary advisors in areas which have extended beyond the traditional and into the cutting edge of technology and customer behaviour. I am confident that with the breadth and depth of the team, we can help the sector navigate through the opportunities and challenges ahead.”

About KPMG

KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 147 countries and territories and have more than 219,000 people working in member firms around the world. In Asia Pacific, KPMG operates in 20 countries and territories with more than 46,000 people in members firms in the region. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.

Media contact

Ei July Hla Myint

KPMG in Myanmar



Dawn Westerhout

KPMG Asia Pacific

+65 81189920


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