Press Release - 03 October 2017
Press Release - 03 October 2017
Article Posted date3 October 2017
Bill Thomas becomes Global Chairman of KPMG International
Bill Thomas becomes Global Chairman of KPMG International
New York, October 2, 2017 – William B Thomas, 49, has become Chairman of KPMG International. He will lead the KPMG global network of professional services firms for a 4-year term, succeeding John B Veihmeyer, who completed his term as Chairman and is retiring from KPMG.
Bill previously served as Chairman of KPMG’s Americas region since 2014 and has been a member of the Global Board since 2009. He has been a leader in defining KPMG’s global strategy and is a champion in promoting an inclusive and high-performing culture throughout the KPMG network.
Bill was CEO and Senior Partner of KPMG in Canada from 2009 to 2016, achieving strong growth in the market, and making strategic investments that contributed to expanding the firm’s capabilities. In his 28 years with KPMG, Bill has also held a number of leadership roles in the Canadian firm and within KPMG International, and has served as an audit partner for prominent clients in a variety of industries.
Bill Thomas, Global Chairman of KPMG International, said "I’m excited and honored to succeed a leader I admire as much as John Veihmeyer to take on the role of Chairman of KPMG International. We have been driving innovation across all parts of our business and I intend to continue and accelerate that trend. I believe the transformation that will take place in business and our profession over the next 5 years will eclipse what we’ve experienced in the past 50 years and I’m convinced the opportunities for KPMG will be greater than ever.
“KPMG is well placed to be at the heart of this transformation. Just in the past year, KPMG has been recognized by industry analysts for our leading capabilities in data & analytics (D&A) and cyber security. We also launched KPMG Clara, our smart audit platform that enables bringing enhanced D&A and cognitive capabilities to the audit.
“Our commitment to quality will continue to underpin everything we do, and I intend to focus on the culture of our global organization to enhance the capabilities of KPMG’s extraordinary professionals around the world to bring their best in meeting the rapidly expanding needs of clients.”
About KPMG International
KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 152 countries and have 189,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.
About KPMG in Thailand
KPMG in Thailand, with more than 1,500 professionals offering audit, tax, and advisory services, is a member firm of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.
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Ploi Phayakvichien
Tel: 02 677 2034
Praewpan Luangphaipol
Tel: 02 677 2141
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