Frontiers in Finance – December 2016
Frontiers in Finance – December 2016
Frontiers looks at the key challenges and opportunities facing financial services management.
New opportunities
The articles in this edition of Frontiers in Finance show how the financial services industry is facing challenges right across the horizon. Leaders in our industry have to develop new ways of nurturing talent, clarity and the environment in which to succeed. In particular, they now have to confront the whole question of digital adoption and enablement, and face the challenge of change in multiple dimensions.
In banking, balance sheet restructuring and higher capital requirements are having significant consequences. New standards for accounting and reporting are having a major impact on the insurance industry. The investment management sector faces increased scrutiny of leverage, liquidity and the potential for systemic risk, with some funds facing the need for loss adjusting capital. All of these impacts on the operating model are being felt in tandem with massive changes in consumer demands: customers are increasingly expecting high-quality service, instant on-line access for transactions, advice and account management, and consistent returns – and all as far as possible for free. Major geopolitical developments – such as the British vote to leave the European Union – carry additional serious implications.
In a rapidly-changing world, there are new and different opportunities to find innovative ways of serving new customer needs and demands; and to adapt better and faster than the competition to satisfy existing demands.
Featured articles
- Dynamic new partnerships are at the heart of the digital future for banks
- Investment management: Act now on innovation as disruption revolutionizes the rules
- Getting strategic about inorganic growth: Insurance CEOs speak
Other articles in this issue
- Engaging with Brexit
- Cyber security moves towards a more resilient model
- Be bold: How insurance CIOs will achieve real transformation
- PSD2: Don’t miss the opportunity
- A catalyst for change: New standards create opportunities for finance and actuarial transformation
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