Organizing unstructured data for greater insight

Organizing unstructured data for greater insight

Gleaning valuable insights from unstructured data online and from internal sources to drive informed, open and honest discussions around valuation, pricing negotiations, planning and more.


When it comes to a transaction or restructuring, the more refined insights you have, the better. But CRM systems, external websites and more produce data that is only valuable if it can be captured, structured, and analyzed. That’s where KPMG’s Advanced Analytics tools come into play.

Getting a handle on unstructured data

Unstructured data is the kind that’s not organized into neat, predefined categories. So it’s tough to get a handle on—or get insight from. KPMG’s Advanced Analytics tools transform unstructured data into structured data, allowing analysis to be performed and insights to be gleaned.

Mass Opinion Business Intelligence

Our Mass Opinion Business Intelligence platform excels at corralling the kinds of data that can provide answers to questions you would otherwise have no reason to ask.

Advanced Analytics are just part of a powerful equation

It takes more than data to help you optimize a deal. It takes people who know the industry along with what insights lend the most value to buyer and seller during a transaction. KPMG’s integrated team of specialists brings you all that and more.

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