Governance – Family business blog
Governance blogs
It’s often said that the typical family business goes from rags to riches and back to rags in three generations. Better governance of a family business can help improve business performance and satisfy the expectations of all family members. Please find below a list of blogs related to family business governance.
- Female family business CEOs' tips for success
- A family constitution can increase family cohesion and business connectivity– leading to economic success
- The power of governance in family business
- Divorce and the unintended consequences of family governance
- Family business Governance Code
- Family business: no more conflicts of interest
- Why to adopt formal governance mechanisms?
- Conflict resolution in family business
- What’s your family business performance score?
- How to be positively wealthy
- Board of Directors and Family Council
- Are family businesses willing to offer equity to investors?
- UK family businesses reluctant to give up equity
- Keeping an eye on possible conflicts of interest
- Building a strong board
- Myth: Family businesses do not need external expertise
- The three enablers: Clarity, culture, communication
- Trend towards formal board of directors in family businesses globally
- How to generate emotional attachment to a business
- The benefits of governance
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