Long-term funds shaping tomorrow

ELTIFs are dynamic investment tools designed to fuel the EU’s financial future by channeling capital into transformative alternative investment projects such as private equity, debt, infrastructure, and real estate. These funds are designed for the long game – projects that need time but can have a significant impact. ELTIFs are alternative investment funds (AIFs) that can be marketed to retail and professional investors with a pan-European label.

ELTIF 2.0: Revised and revamped

On 15 February 2023, the European Parliament voted in favor for the long-awaited reform of the ELTIF regulation. This new framework broadens the scope of eligible assets, providing greater flexibility and opportunities for structuring opportunities and optimizing returns.

One of the key enhancements of ELTIF 2.0 is the ease of access for retail investors to participate by lowering entry criteria and simplifying the rules. With more streamlined regulations across the EU, this update makes ELTIFs simpler to be marketed and managed, allowing ELTIF to be a dynamic tool for sustainable economic development in Europe.

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ELTIFs in numbers*

Luxembourg has been one of the most active jurisdictions where ELTIFs are being set up.


Authorized ELTIFs (EU-wide)


Luxembourg ELTIFs

  • 90Luxembourg
  • 16France
  • 11Italy
  • 2Spain

Reference: ESMA34-46-101, "Register of authorized European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs)"

* As at 31 October 2024

Part II ELTIFs vs. classic Part II Funds: What sets them apart?

Aside from funds with the ELTIF-label, asset managers traditionally launched Part II UCI structured under the Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 to raise funds from retail investors for alternative investments.

To understand the enthusiasm surrounding the ELTIF 2.0, it is key to first understand what differentiates the Part II with an ELTIF label from a classic Part II UCI (i.e. without the ELTIF label).


Marketing passport

  • A UCI Part II fund cannot be marketed to retail investors with the AIFM passport.
  • The UCI Part II with the ELTIF label benefits from a regulation allowing the fund managers to market ELTIFs across multiple jurisdictions (EU Marketing passport).

Investor reach

  • ELTIFs are designed to be accessible to a wider range of investors, including retail investors, potentially leading to broader capital mobilization compared to UCI Part II funds, which focus more on professional investors and sophisticated retail investors in Luxembourg or to the so-called semi-professional investor types in certain European jurisdictions.

Regulatory alignment

  • ELTIFs benefit from a streamlined regulatory process across the EU, whereas Part II funds might face more complex national regulations for cross-border activities especially when it comes to retail investors.


  • From an operational perspective, ELTIF and UCI Part II Funds have some overlapping aspects, but each has unique requirements and areas where they are not compatible.
  • Additional requirements for ELTIFs (beyond UCI Part II) include inter alia: liquidity gates, liability tests, issuance, and redemption processes.


  • UCI Part II funds are generally subject to an annual subscription tax at a rate of 0.05%.
  • ELTIFs Part II are exempt from subscription tax.

Key threats facing ELTIFs: What you need to know

  1. Lock-up period - ELTIFs typically have long lock-up periods, which can deter investors who seek liquidity and flexibility.
  2. Distribution - ELTIFs may not be as readily available or supported on distribution platforms, limiting their reach and accessibility
  3. Valuation - Asset managers must adapt to the timing of the valuation. Daily NAV calculation can become a challenge.
  4. Withholding tax - Fund taxation is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of tax and custody documentation from the outset.

How we can help

KPMG Luxembourg’s experts are prepared to guide you in your fund vehicle selection:

Extensive regulatory knowledge at your fingertips

  • In-depth understanding of ELTIF regulations and requirements

A team of dedicated experts – globally and locally

  • Specialized professionals with a focus on ELTIFs and long-term investment funds
  • Access to KPMG’s extensive global network of resources and industry insights

Comprehensive service offerings tailored to meet your needs

  • From audit and tax to advisory and consulting, we provide you with everything you need – and not just for ELTIFs – all under one roof

Tax expertise at every angle: Our 360° solutions

  • Analysis of the fund tax qualification
  • Assistance in drafting the side letter
  • Tax registration and reporting
  • Tax statement to the LPs and GPs
  • Governance framework

Stay ahead of the competition and gain informed insights, detailed analysis, and practical guidance on ELTIFs and other AIFs. Speak with our experts today to discover more.

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Meet the team

Alan Picone

Alan Picone

Asset Management Consulting Leader
KPMG Luxembourg


Said Fihri

Said Fihri

Head of Digital Assets Services
KPMG Luxembourg


Simon Denis

Simon Denis

Partner, Tax
KPMG Luxembourg


Christian Guertler

Christian Guertler

Asset Management Consulting
KPMG Luxembourg


Laura Zahren

Laura Zahren

Director, Tax
KPMG Luxembourg


Laura Zahren

Alexandre Hector

Partner, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg
