Fund Distribution Alert 2024-07

Czechia - Retracted annual fees for foreign investment funds

Czechia - Retracted annual fees for foreign investment funds

On 1 July 2024, the fee for renewal of entry of foreign investment funds for the list maintained by the Czech National Bank (CNB) was retracted. 

Originally applicable as of 2023, the fee was removed after only one year by the act 163/2024 Coll. of 29 May 2024, amending the act on investment companies and investment funds and other related laws. 

Following this amending act, no annual fees will be levied by the CNB for EEA funds (both UCITS and AIF) marketed in Czechia in 2025.

The webpage “Fees and costs” in the section “Cross-border distribution of funds” on the CNB’s website is expected to be updated soon.  

Please feel free to contact us should you require any additional information.


Said Fihri

+352 22 51 51 7892

Henrik Olsson

Senior Manager
+352 22 51 51 7417