We’ve all been there. Files upon files. Endless data charts. Frustrated colleagues burdened with repetitive work. Valuable time is often wasted on administrative paperwork and tedious tasks. Time that can be devoted to serving clients.

Fortunately, we came up with an idea.

Introducing the Intelligent Data Extraction Assistant (IDEA) – KPMG’s automated, time-saving tax compliance admin robot dedicated to extracting data the easy way. This tool is a blend of robot process automation and Artificial Intelligence. It automates tax document reading and analysis, streamlines administrative tasks, and will save you and your team time and energy. With this tool, we take your scanned tax documents, extract the key information, and generate structured data files. Reports, dashboards, automatic diffusion, and more with the click of a button.

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How it works

KPMG Data Extraction Engine YOU Scanning process Paper documents received from tax authorities E-documents sent to KPMG Structured data PDF reports Dashboards E-mails Excel sheets

Your virtual, experienced tax assistant with the click of a button

IDEA can perform a variety of administrative tax tasks including:

  • Reviewing a variety of tax documents
  • Checking for data consistency and reconciling multiple data sources
  • Extracting relevant data and inputting it in databases or applications
  • Archiving documents to the correct file location
  • Provide meaningful, comprehensive insights
  • Update information in your different systems or by sending emails

Let technology do the busy work

  • Saves time and reduces costs

    Avoid time-consuming work for your team. Automate all the time-consuming work with astonishing levels of accuracy

  • Simple

    Easy-to-use and compatible with any IT environment

  • Built by tax experts

    The tools and processes have been built by associates with longstanding tax expertise to extract the correct data

  • Flexible

    Endless possibilities with an accessible pricing to match your needs

Woman using her laptop

Take your dashboards to the next level with our customizable options to meet your needs

Stay on top of your tax payment entities and delivery times with our Tax Summary Dashboard

  • View your top tax payment entities
  • Check whether there are assessments you have not received yet
  • See the total late interest payments you have made

We like calendars and so should you. Organize your payment deadlines, amounts, and tax commitment schedules with our dashboard for Payment Calendars

  • View your payment amounts and deadlines for all your entities
  • Check when your next payment month and commitment is
  • See your total payments by month

Tax mismatches. It happens. But if you’re concerned by them, the Tax Mismatch Dahboard records each one and filters them by company and tax type to ease your worries

  • See the total amount of tax mismatches for a fiscal year
  • Check the mismatch for each company by tax type
  • Ask questions about your data to get further insights

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Meet the team

Christophe Diricks

Christophe Diricks

Partner, Head of Alternative Investments
KPMG Luxembourg

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Julien Bieber

Julien Bieber

Partner, Alternative Investments
KPMG Luxembourg

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Dimitrios Kampas

Dimitrios Kampas

Head of Data & Analytics, Innovation
KPMG Luxembourg

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