Living and working in Luxembourg

Living and working in Luxembourg

A tiny country full of surprises

A tiny country full of surprises

With a population of just over half a million, Luxembourg can’t help but be an underdog in most categories. And yet, it’s the second-largest investment fund center in the world (after the US) and boasts one of Europe’s liveliest fintech scenes. It’s third worldwide on the index of growth promise indicators according to a KPMG Global study and is the most productive country in the world according to Expert Market.

None of this is accidental: Luxembourg’s government proactively updates its legal and regulatory frameworks to stay competitive, reliable and forward-looking. This reputation, together with a tradition of openness, has attracted banks, insurance providers, fund promoters, service providers and innovative tech companies from all over the world.

Luxembourg’s capital is a beautiful medieval city overlooking the Alzette and Pétrusse valleys, while the rest of the country boasts idyllic landscapes dotted with towns and villages. The city’s modest size is convenient for many businesses: the airport is only a few minutes away; the public transport network isn’t just good, but also free nationwide since 1 March 2020; and the two huge marketplaces of France and Germany lie just across the border. Multilingualism is the norm not the exception and the country is very foreigner-friendly, with nearly half (47.5%) of the country’s population being non-Luxembourgish as of 2019. The country’s history, culture and high standards tend to charm newcomers — and these are only a few of its many attractive features.

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