Luxembourg remuneration survey

Luxembourg remuneration survey

2024 - 31st edition of the Remuneration Survey in the financial sector


Is your company's remuneration package competitive enough?

The KPMG Luxembourg remuneration survey allows C-level executives and HR professionals to compare their employees' remuneration based on salary, fringe benefits, HR policy evolution, and much more.

The survey’s reports offer an insightful snapshot of the Luxembourg financial sector’s remuneration landscape, including salaries, bonuses, pension plans, company cars, and the gender pay gap.

Our interactive and user-friendly digital platform enables easy access and research of this valuable remuneration data.


Sabrina Bonnet

Sabrina Bonnet

People & Change Director
KPMG Luxembourg
+352 22 51 51 7293

How will this survey support your business?

This survey provides you with:

  • hard data to help you with your strategic or everyday HR decisions
  • industry benchmarks for remuneration and fringe benefits for most (if not all) of your organization’s roles
  • concrete knowledge of whether you’re aligned with the best market practices
  • an indicator of your progress in adopting new HR management processes

What’s included?

The survey covers:

  • remuneration questions
  • fringe benefits
  • HR practice trends

Who’s the survey for?

The KPMG Luxembourg[SBO1]  remuneration survey is for financial organizations in the following fields:

  • banking institutions
  • fund companies
  • insurance companies
  • corporate companies

How can I get involved?

Please get in touch with Sabrina Bonnet

What will I have to do?

  • Complete an online questionnaire on your HR practices and policies.
  • Complete detailed remuneration data for each employee in an MS Excel sheet.

Terms and conditions

  • The final reports are for the exclusive use of the survey participants.

© 2024 KPMG Luxembourg, Société anonyme, with registered office at 39, Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, registered with RCS Luxembourg under number B149133, and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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