Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey Webinar

Discover the insights of our Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey!

Discover the insights of our Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey!

Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey Webinar

We are pleased to announce the release of the first edition of our Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey on 7 December at 10 a.m.

Sophie Boulanger, Head of Transfer Pricing, along with Cristina Diaz Velasco and Ivaylo Urdev, will deliver a keynote on the insights from our Transfer Pricing Asset Management Survey, focusing on European Asset Management.

What to expect from this webinar:

  • Obtain insights into the trends related to Transfer Pricing models, intra-group arrangements, audits, and negotiated settlements implemented with tax authorities of the Asset Management players in Europe.

  • Compare yourself to your peer group and stay well-informed about competitors' best practices.

  • Collect our conclusions and recommendations regarding the best approaches to adopt.


  • Sophie Boulanger, Partner, Head of Transfer Pricing at KPMG Luxembourg

  • Cristina Diaz Velasco, Senior Manager at KPMG Luxembourg

  • Ivaylo Urdev, Assistant Manager, KPMG Luxembourg



7 December 2023



Start time

10 a.m.

End time

11 p.m.

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