Xavier Martinez

Partner, Global Mobility and People Services

KPMG in Luxembourg

Xavier Martinez is a Partner in the Tax department and is Head of our Global Mobility and People Services department, specializing in individual taxation. Xavier has 20 years of national and international experience with a wide variety of clients, gaining extensive knowledge in personal tax and social security relevant to workforce global mobility and rewards. He has collaborated with organizations across various industries, assisting them with employee mobility and in designing attractive remuneration packages.

  • Xavier holds a Master`s Degree in Law as well as a DES in Tax Law both obtained at the University of Liège (Belgium)

  • Prior to joining KPMG Luxembourg, Xavier worked with three prominent professional services firms located in Belgium (9 years) and Luxembourg (7 years).

  • He also gained experience in the HR Department of a major international private bank, where he acted as Head of Compensation and Benefits in Luxembourg and Head of HR for the Belgian branch.
