Ace the Case 2017
Ace the Case 2017
The KPMG Ace the Case is a great way for students to connect with us early in their pursuit of a successful career..
Team NDU won the national finale for KPMG Lebanon Ace the Case Competition (ATC)..
Team NDU won the national finale for KPMG Lebanon Ace the Case Competition (ATC), held on 11 October 2017 in Beirut, and shall now represent Lebanon at the KPMG International Case Competition (KICC) in Malaysia. This year, teams from six universities participated in the national competition in Lebanon. The KPMG International Case Competition (KICC) is a great way for students to connect with us early in their pursuit of a successful career with KPMG. KICC is an opportunity to exhibit their case-solving abilities on a global platform. KICC participants are provided with real world business scenarios to analyze and make recommendations to a panel of experienced KPMG professionals. What sets this competition apart is its distinct format, fast-paced structure and feedback and mentoring by experienced KPMG professionals. In each round of the competition, the participants are required to analyze, prepare and present their findings on a case in a limited period. At the finale in Malaysia, which will be held on in April 2018, the NDU team will be presented with a series of complex business challenges to solve and experience the opportunity of a lifetime.
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