Recent international events and the use of economic tools, such as economic sanctions, have prompted companies worldwide, including those in the Caspian region, to assess the potential risks associated with sanctions. KPMG Law Caucasus and Central Asia provides comprehensive advice on sanctions and trade restrictions, offering interpretation of sanctions regulations within practical contexts. Our services include:

  • Advising on whether a particular transaction can be conducted in compliance with sanctions restrictions, considering restricted entities, goods, and operations.
  • Conducting due diligence on target companies in M&A transactions to ensure compliance with sanctions restrictions.
  • Drafting and updating companies' sanctions compliance policies.
  • Conducting due diligence on potential counterparties to determine whether they are subject to any restrictions.
  • Drafting sanctions-related clauses in existing or planned transactions and preparing addendums to ongoing transactions in light of the sanctions environment.

Our aim is to assist clients in understanding and complying with relevant regulations. Our team possesses the necessary experience and qualifications, and for the most complex matters, we collaborate with KPMG Law international offices and trusted subcontractors.

By leveraging our expertise, we enable clients to navigate the complexities of sanctions regulations, helping them understand the risks and ensuring compliance with applicable requirements.