Sixth Premiere League Chess Tournament in Astana closes 2018 chess season in KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Sixth Premiere League Chess Tournament


KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia has been holding annual chess tournaments for local business community for many years. Season 2018 was opened on 12 May by the 4th KPMG Chess Tournament in Bishkek for Kyrgyz companies, where 18 teams competed.

On 23 June Almaty hosted the 15th anniversary KPMG Chess Tournament, where there were also 18 teams competing for victory. The entire tournament actually originated in Almaty 15 years ago as a competition for financial sector teams, but each year organisations from new sectors and neighbouring countries (e.g. Kyrgyzstan) are joining. This means that the main objective – to promote intellectual sports in Kazakhstan and Central Asia – is met.

On 30 June Astana hosted the Fourth Premiere League Chess Tournament, which was the chess season finale of 2016 in KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This year, 19 teams of strong players (including candidates and masters) competed for victory. The tournament was held under the Swiss system: seven rounds, with a 15-minute time limit for each player per game. A team of arbiters, headed by international chief arbiter Nurlan Ibraev, monitored proceedings.

© 2025 KPMG. KPMG Audit LLC, KPMG Tax and Advisory LLC and KPMG Valuation LLC, companies incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member firms of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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