2016 Global BCM Program Benchmarking Study
2016 Global BCM Program Benchmarking Study
The 2016 Continuity Insights and KPMG LLP Global Business Continuity Management (BCM) Program Benchmarking Study
KPMG LLP and Continuity Insights released the results of the 2016 Business Continuity Management (BCM) Program Benchmarking Study. This study helps to gauge the effectiveness of BCM programs across the spectrum of business, government, educational, and not-for-profit organizations. The study findings were compiled from responses of approximately 400 professionals.
The study captured program development and performance data, including the financial impacts of adverse events, BCM leadership structures, budgets, headcounts, technology deployment, plan exercises, and training.
The 2016 BCM study highlights key findings as determined by practitioners and insights in their organization’s BCM program. It focuses on:
- The importance of BCM program integration with other enterprise functions, the extended enterprise (suppliers, service providers), and public authorities
- Risk assessments, business impact analyses, and program measurement capabilities
- The impact of regulations and the evolving standards on BCM programs
- The importance of certification of professionals involved in an organization’s BCM program
- Cybersecurity threats and the importance of addressing them effectively within the organization’s BCM program.
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