IV KPMG Chess Championship in Astana

IV KPMG Chess Championship in Astana

IV KPMG Chess Championship in Astana closed the KPMG chess games season 2016


On 18 June, Astana hosted the KPMG Fourth Chess Championship, which brought to a close the chess games season 2016 of KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. "At the request of the tournament participants, certain changes have been made this year to the rules of the game: the participants of the Premier League Championship are the amateur chess players with assigned categories and those without categories, while the individual Top League Championship is organised for the professional players. Thus, all participants have equal chances to win in the championship", commented Karlygash Kaltayeva, Head of Markets, KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

This year the Premier League Championship witnessed 13 teams competed for the first prize. The championship was held according to the Swiss system, with the participants playing for 7 rounds, each having 15 minutes to complete a round. The participants of the Top League Championship were 5 chess players – international masters of sport and candidate masters of sport who competed using the robin round system, in accordance with the FIDE rules, with time control of 15 minutes. A team of arbiters, headed by Nurlan Ibrayev, the Chief referee, the FIDE arbiter, International Master, monitored the participants to play against time.

Following the Premier League Championship results, the prizes were awarded in both the team and individual classifications. The winning team was Kazakhmys, with the silver medal award going to KazMunaiGas-Refining and Marketing and the bronze medal awarded to Samruk-Kazyna. In the individual classification, Adilbekov Adlet from KazMunaiGas-Refining and Marketing became the winner on the first chessboard; the winner on the second board was Abitov Zhandilda from Kazakhmys; while Kanafin Rollan from Kazakhmys won the third chessboard.

In the Top League, champion was Alaguzov Maxat from Kazakhstan Temir Zholy. Kashkinbekov Arman from Association of renewable Energy of Kazakhstan came second, and third place went to Medeuov Zhandos from Samruk-Energy.
The memorable gifts were given to all tournament participants. The winners of Premier and Top Leagues were awarded diplomas and prizes.
IV KPMG Chess Championship in Astana closed the KPMG chess games season in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in 2016 opened by II KPMG Chess Championship in Bishkek in February 2016 that followed by XIII KPMG Chess Championship in Almaty on 4 June.

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