Dear readers,

Starting from 8 December 2024, the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - «RK») dated 18 November 2024 No. 905 “On amendments to the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the RK dated 4 December 2015 No. 992 “On approval of the Rules for issuing temporary and permanent residence permits to foreigners and stateless persons in the RK” has come into effect. Changes were related to the following:

  1. to obtain a temporary residence permit in the RK to carry out activities, it is now necessary to provide an employment contract registered with the authorized body (Ministry of labor and social protection of the population) in the unified system for labor contract registration “USREC” or a civil law contract for performing works (providing services).

    This requirement previously applied only to citizens of the EAEU, but now it extends to all applicants.

  2. it has been clarified that in order to obtain a temporary and permanent residence permit, a certificate of fingerprinting of the foreigner or stateless person is required, which is now issued in accordance with the Rules for fingerprint and genome registration approved by the Order of the Minister of internal affairs of the RK dated 30 September 2024 No. 730 “On certain issues of fingerprint and genome registration in the RK.


Best regards,

KPMG Law Kazakhstan