Second KPMG Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index ranks 25 countries on preparedness for the AV revolution
Second KPMG Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index
The Netherlands tops the rankings for the second year. KPMG ranks five new countries: Norway, Finland, Israel, Czech Republic and Hungary.
“The results of the 2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index tell us that countries are making rapid progress toward a future with autonomous vehicles,” says Richard Threlfall, Global Head of Infrastructure, KPMG International. “They show that governments are focused on encouraging the modernization of transport, and ensuring that innovation in driverless cars and trucks delivers real benefits to their communities.”
Countries most ready for autonomous vehicles
According to the AVRI, the 10 countries most prepared for the future of autonomous transportation of those indexed are:
Country |
2019 Rank |
2018 Rank |
The Netherlands |
#1 |
#1 |
Singapore |
#2 |
#2 |
Norway |
#3 |
New |
United States |
#4 |
#3 |
Sweden |
#5 |
#4 |
Finland |
#6 |
New |
United Kingdom |
#7 |
#5 |
Germany |
#8 |
#6 |
United Arab Emirates |
#9 |
#8 |
Japan |
#10 |
#11 |
Highlights from the top ranked countries include:
— The Netherlands, ranked number one for a second year, is working with neighbors to adopt AV technology for freight, with a plan to launch platoons of more than 100 driverless trucks on major routes from Amsterdam to Antwerp and Rotterdam to the Ruhr valley.
— With a leading university, second-ranked Singapore has created a test town for driverless vehicles complete with traffic lights, bus stops, skyscrapers and a rain machine to recreate its extremely wet, tropical weather.
Five new countries ranked in 2019
Based on the 2018 AVRI results, five new countries were added for 2019.
1. Norway (#3) – The country legalized AV testing on public roads and operators have started small-scale autonomous bus services. An autonomous taxi pilot is slated for 2019.
2. Finland (#6) – Finland is focusing on getting AVs to work in winter conditions and automated bus services. The country is also repainting the yellow lines on its roads to an AV-friendly white.
3. Israel (#14) – Israel’s strength in AVs lies in its export-focused technology sector, which helps the country top the index’s technology and innovation pillar as well as specific measures of industry partnerships, investment and headquarters.
4. Czech Republic (#19) – New AV test sites, supporting the country’s top rating for AV pilots, are likely to strengthen Czech Republic’s reputation as a local vehicle manufacturer.
5. Hungary (#21) – Legislative changes, commercial pilots of AVs at a new test track and an active AV startup community distinguished Hungary’s debut on the list.
Consumer opinion poll finds mixed feelings on AVs globally
New this year, KPMG conducted a consumer opinion research project to better understand consumer sentiment on AVs. The findings revealed a correlation between countries lower in the rankings having the most consumer interest in AVs. These countries include India (#24) and Mexico (#23).
“Ultimately, the consumer is going to drive the pace of adoption of AVs,” says Threlfall. “Without broad consumer acceptance and willingness to use AVs, it will be difficult for an autonomous vehicle market to develop and the enormous benefits to be realized. Consumers in less developed countries show a willingness embrace AVs, leapfrogging the traditional infrastructure of more developed nations. Those countries with developed infrastructure display more ambivalence toward AVs and that restraint could delay their adoption of AVs.”
The Index provides an in-depth view of what it takes for countries to meet the challenges of self-driving vehicles, evaluating the preparedness of a cross-section of 25 countries—up from 20 in the inaugural year of the AVRI—globally. Each country is evaluated against four pillars: policy and legislation; technology and innovation, infrastructure, and consumer acceptance. Within the four pillars are 25 factors that reflect everything from legislation allowing AVs to operate to the condition of roads.
Full 2019 rankings reveal shifts from 2018
The 2019 AVRI rankings showed some movement from the inaugural rankings in 2018, with high-ranking newcomers among the five new entrants for 2019.
Country |
2019 Rank |
2018 Rank |
The Netherlands |
#1 |
#1 |
Singapore |
#2 |
#2 |
Norway |
#3 |
New |
United States |
#4 |
#3 |
Sweden |
#5 |
#4 |
Finland |
#6 |
New |
United Kingdom |
#7 |
#5 |
Germany |
#8 |
#6 |
United Arab Emirates |
#9 |
#8 |
Japan |
#10 |
#11 |
New Zealand |
#11 |
#9 |
Canada |
#12 |
#7 |
South Korea |
#13 |
#10 |
Israel |
#14 |
New |
Australia |
#15 |
#14 |
Austria |
#16 |
#12 |
France |
#17 |
#13 |
Spain |
#18 |
#15 |
Czech Republic |
#19 |
New |
China |
#20 |
#16 |
Hungary |
#21 |
New |
Russia |
#22 |
#18 |
Mexico |
#23 |
#19 |
India |
#24 |
#20 |
Brazil |
#25 |
#17 |
Learn more about the AVRI and how each country performed by accessing the report at
About the report
The Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI) is intended to provide an understanding of various countries’ preparedness and openness to AV technology. Twenty-five countries were included in the AVRI based on economic size and progress in adopting autonomous vehicles. Countries are assessed on 25 different measures within four pillars: policy & legislation; technology & innovation; infrastructure; and consumer acceptance. Each pillar has equal weight in calculating a country’s overall score and consists of a combination of primary and secondary data.
Consumer opinion poll methodology
Working with ESI ThoughtLab, consumers in each of the 25 countries to capture the general populations’ attitudes towards and their likeliness to adopt AVs once they become available to the public. The survey included standard demographic questions as well as questions designed to better understand consumers’ opinions and willingness to ride in an autonomous vehicle. In addition, the survey also included questions related to their usage of rideshare and other mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) transportation options.
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