Aligning behind your customer agenda

Aligning behind your customer agenda


We would like to present a recently launched KPMG report “Aligning behind your customer agenda” that looks at the fundamental capabilities essential for non-life personal lines insurers.

For insurers, understanding and meeting the needs of the customer agenda is critical to success and future growth. The key to customer-centricity lies in the ability to design and deliver compelling, seamless customer experiences. This requires alignment within the entire organization — across the front, middle and back office. We call this the KPMG Connected Enterprise.

KPMG Connected Enterprise helps insurance companies to see and serve their customers as people with a wide variety of insurance needs and preferences, and not just as policyholders according to how their business units define them — as, for example, homeowners, vehicle owners, business owners, or insured lives.

A new report highlights how the non-life personal lines insurance industry as a whole is lagging behind other industries significantly in applying and extracting the value from being a connected enterprise. What’s more, although non-life personal lines insurers placed a higher priority on creating an interconnected and aligned organization, more than three-quarters of respondents say such efforts haven’t generated the returns they need.

The report provides some practical insights on the fundamental capabilities essential for non-life personal lines insurers to become a customer-centric, agile and digitally transformed connected enterprise.

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