Gabit’s experience includes: participation in the project for implementation of the Mandatory Social Health Insurance (MSHI) system in Republic of Kazakhstan; optimisation of organisational structure and business processes in the health care organisations; delivery of trainings on implementation of MSHI and corporate governance in the health care system in the different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan; implementation of strategic and operational management in a number of state-owned health care organisations in the capacity of the Chairman and a member of the Supervisory Board; preparation and implementation of strategic and operational plans for a the public health education entity and health care entities of the public sector; implementation of operational management in the network of medical centers in Almaty and Astana; management of organisation of medical and preventive treatment, administrative and economic and financial activities of healthcare entities in the public and private sectors; organisation and management of the laboratory service in the field of molecular genetic researches; improvement, planning and forecasting of activities, forms and methods of operation of the clinic, personnel recruitment in accordance with the required qualification; coordination of activity related to the attestation of medical professionals working in the healthcare entities; development of methodology and accreditation o of the healthcare entities and licensing of medical practice; organisation of issue and control of permits for medical services advertising, as well as new methods and means of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation; participation in the inspection of health care entities, scheduled and unscheduled inspections of health care entities and participation in drafting of the regulatory legal acts in the area of public health and system of quality control of medical services.
Diploma of the General Practitioner, Kazakh National Medical University named after S. Asfendiyarov, Kazakhstan
Bachelor's degree in Finance, University named D.A. Kunayev, Kazakhstan
MBA, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan