Amendments to the Federal Law “On Russian Citizenship”
Amendments to the Federal Law “On Russian Citizen...
On 4 August 2014 Federal Law No. 142-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 6 and 30 of the Federal Law “On Russian Citizenship” and Separate Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter – the Law) entered into force. Russian citizens, who are also citizens of a foreign country or have a permanent residence permit of a foreign country (or other valid document confirming their right to permanently reside in a foreign country) (hereinafter the Holders), are required to duly notify the Russian authorities (hereinafter Notification).
All Holders are required to provide such notification, with the exception of the following categories:
- Holders residing outside Russia on a permanent basis,
- Cases covered by respective international agreements (for example, Agreements on the resolution of issues of dual nationality).
NB! In some countries (for example, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland), individuals may have to obtain a permanent residence permit to work there. Therefore, Russian citizens employed abroad may be required to provide such notification. |
The submission process
The Notification form has already been approved. It requires the disclosure of the Holder’s personal data and details about the foreign citizenship/foreign residence permit. The Notification should be submitted together with documents that substantiate the reported information, in other words, a copy of the individual’s Russian civil passport and a copy of a foreign passport/permanent residence permit (legal replacement).
A separate Notification should be submitted for each additional citizenship/residence permit.
The Notification should be submitted to the local office of the Federal Migration Service according to the permanent residence address or according to the temporary residence address or the address of temporary stay in Russia.
Alternatively, the Notification may be submitted by Russian post. Both options require the Holder’s presence.The Notification should be submitted within 60 days of the emergence of the obligation. In respect of individual Holders on 4 August 2014, this period should be counted from this date. In respect of Russian citizens, who obtain foreign citizenship or a foreign residence permit after 4 August 2014, the 60-day period starts from the date when the individual obtains the foreign citizenship/residence permit in other country.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that these requirements will apply from 1 January 2016 to Russian citizens, who acquire Russian citizenship following Crimea’s accession into the Russian Federation.
Penalties for violations of the Notification
- failure to provide notification could result in criminal liability in the form of a penalty (up to RUB 200,000 or annual salary (other income) of the convicted individual) or compulsory community service for up to 400 hours;
- failure to duly comply with the Notification procedure could trigger administrative liability in the form of penalty (RUB 500-1,000).
Next steps
We recommend the Holders to check their obligation to submit Notification(s) and, if applicable, to keep a copy of the filed Notification(s) in their files.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
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