What does the change in the boundary between Moscow and Moscow Oblast mean for "ordinary" work permits?

What does the change in the boundary between Mosc...

On 1 July 2012, the agreement signed on 29 November 2011 (and ratified by Moscow City Duma Resolution 372 and Moscow Oblast Duma Resolution 1/177-P, both dated 7 December 2011) on changing the boundary between Moscow and Moscow Oblast entered into force.


Accordingly, employers (legal entities and individuals) hiring and employing foreigners and previously registered in regions bordering Moscow should bear this in mind when processing/renewing work permit related documents in 2012-2013, including issues regarding the foreign workforce quota, registration at a place of stay, and processing invitations and work visas.

However, given that the national migration authorities have yet to issue any official clarifications regarding the changes, we recommend that employers registered prior to 1 July 2012 in regions bordering Moscow ask the regional migration authorities for guidance.

Moscow's Department of Labour and Employment has published a list of the authorities that employers and individuals registered in regions bordering Moscow can ask about employment and quota issues, and their addresses, on its website.

In addition, Fyodor Karpovets, Head of the Federal Migration Service's Moscow department, confirmed at a press conference at Interfax's Central Office on 26 June that new FMS departments have been created to provide a higher quality of services in the regions bordering Troitsky and Novomoskovsky okrugs.

We hope that this information, if necessary, will help you in planning your activities related to hiring and employing foreign staff and dealing with the paperwork involved in getting their approval documents done.

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